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>>The Operational Research Team research results presentation for the period of six months of 2020.

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The Operational Research Team, LURMISTA-ISTA/UB, has presented the research results for the six months period for 2020. The team Leader Pr. Fulgence NAHAYO focuses on the published paper in Scientific Research Publishing Inc, Open Journal of Optimization, 9, 15-26 , about An efficient nonlinear application algorithm predictive model for a multi aircraft landing dynamic system called "Aircraft Landind Dynamic System , Release 2019 A+". This programming software combine dynamic programming technic for mathematical computing and optimisation run under Ampl and KNITRO Solver. It use also a descriptive programming technic for software design. The user interfaces designed in Glade are saved as XML, and by using the GtkBuilder GTK+ object these can be loaded by applications dynamically as needed. By using GtkBuilder, Glade XML files can be used in numerous programming langages including C, C++, C#, Java, Perl, Python,AMPL,etc.. Glade is Free Software released under the GNU GPL License. By these tools, the solved problem is a mathematical modelization problem as a non-convex optimal control governed by ordinary non-linear differential equations.The dynamic programming technic is applied because it is a sufficiently high order and it does-not require computation of the partial derivatives of the aircraft dynamic. This application will be coded with Linux system on 64 bit operating system, but it can also be run on the windows system. High runing performance are obtained with results giving feasible trajectories with a robust optimizing of the objective function.

Keys words : Glade software, Aircraft Dynamic System, Optimal Control system, Dynamic Programming,GUI GPL Application «AIRLADYS R2019A+»

The team Leader Pr. Fulgence NAHAYO has presented also the Phd project in development by the Operationnel Research Team Member as following :

  1. Six projets de Thèse sont en cours de réalisation au sein de l’Equipe de Recherche Opérationnelle du LURMISTA.
  2. Des partenariats de Recherche sont déjà initiés avec les pays suivants : Benin, Cameroun, Kenya, Tanzanie, USA. Et bientôt la France, la Tunisie, les Pays bas, Etc.
  3. P. Ndagijimana, Post-quantum Cryptography in public-key Systems based on computational assumptions believed to be secure against quantum computers : Case of systems based on multi-variate functions and elliptic curve isogenies, LURMISTA-ISTA/UB & IMSP-University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin
  4. D. Byamungu, Optimal modeling random effects of tax revenue panel data for DRC,LURMISTA-ISTA/UB Nairobi, School of Mathematics, & Université du Douala, Cameroun.
  5. I.Irakoze, Modeling and Calibrating Real options of an Optimal Investment Timing under Climate Change Mitigation in Corporate Finance System-LURMISTA-ISTA/UB & Michigan State University,USA.
  6. A.Bagorizamba, Développement de modèles prédictifs probabilistes pour le diagnostic de la pauvreté Burundi à l’aide d’un système innovateur des méthodes avancées de Monte Carlo,LURMISTA-ISTA/UB & Université de Yaoundé I, Cameroun.
  7. U.Ndoricimpa, Innovative predictive methods in stochastic modeling and applications for economic measures : Case of BURUNDI, LURMISTA-ISTA/UB & Université de Douala, Cameroun.
  8. J.P. Ntayagabiri, Apprentissage et Développement des méthodes numériques pour l’estimation et l’optimisation du trafic avec des données de véhicules flottants « FCD » , LURMISTA-ISTA/UB & Daresalaam University.

The Deputy operationnal research team Leader Msc. Ancille BAGORIZAMBA has presented the project: "Développement, Modélisation Mathématique et Statistique du Problème de la pauvreté au Burundi: Cas des systèmes d’optimisation économiques innovantes."

The objectives of this project are:

  1. to develop a more complete scientific modeling of the problem of poverty with a view to proposing new methods of estimating the poverty rate.
  2. to eradicate and plan well the economic future of Burundi.
  3. to establish a normative component providing a series of indicators for those responsible for combating poverty to enable them to better understand the economic, administrative and organizational issues in the fight against poverty,
  4. to support the choice of economic and political decision-makers within the framework of interventions in favor of Burundi
  5. to model and plan the Process of Transfer and Incubation of Research Results.
At the end of this research, the expected results are:
  1. A scientific model to solve the problem of poverty in Burundi is optimally designed.
  2. Mechanisms for the eradication and planning of Burundi's economic future are put in place.
  3. A normative section providing a series of indicators for those responsible for the fight against poverty to enable them to better understand the economic, administrative and organizational issues in the fight against poverty is established and validated.
  4. A normative section providing a series of indicators for those responsible for the fight against poverty to enable them to better understand the economic, administrative and organizational issues in the fight against poverty is established and validated.
  5. The process of transfer and incubation of research results is modeled and planned.

It should be noted that this launching workshop for the scientific conferences of Lurmista was punctuated by constructive interventions and encouragement from the participants.


Operational Research Team Leader & Dean of ISTA/UB

Institut de Statistique Appliquée "ISTA" | Campus NYAMUGERERA| B.P 5158 Bujumbura - Burundi | Tél. : +257 75769714 | Email : ista@ub.edu.bi